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Writer's pictureMiguel T.

Microgreens and Sustainability: Why Short Supply Chains Matter

As more people become interested in eating fresh, nutritious food, microgreens have emerged as a popular option. These tiny greens, which are harvested when they are just a few inches tall, are packed with nutrients and can add flavor and color to a variety of dishes. But what many people don't realize is that the sustainability of microgreens depends heavily on the supply chain.

Short supply chains refer to the direct sale of produce from the grower to the consumer. By bypassing intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors, and retailers, short supply chains can reduce the environmental impact of food production and improve the economic viability of small-scale growers. Here's why short supply chains matter when it comes to microgreens and sustainability.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. When food travels long distances from the grower to the consumer, it requires more fuel and emits more carbon dioxide. By sourcing microgreens from local growers, consumers can reduce the carbon footprint of their food and support regional agriculture.

Preserving Nutrients and Flavor

Microgreens are delicate and have a short shelf life. When they are transported long distances, they are exposed to temperature fluctuations and handling that can degrade their quality. By sourcing microgreens directly from local growers, consumers can enjoy fresher and more nutrient-dense greens that have been harvested at peak ripeness.

Supporting Local Economies

Short supply chains can also benefit local economies by supporting small-scale growers and keeping food dollars in the community. By purchasing microgreens from local growers, consumers can help sustain local agriculture and create jobs in their area.

Promoting Food Security

Short supply chains can also promote food security by increasing access to fresh, healthy food in underserved communities. By supporting local growers, consumers can help ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food, regardless of income or location.

In conclusion, microgreens are a nutritious and flavorful addition to any diet, but their sustainability depends on short supply chains. By sourcing microgreens from local growers, consumers can reduce the carbon footprint of their food, preserve the quality and nutrients of the greens, support local economies, and promote food security. We deliver our subscription greens every Tuesday cut the exact same morning reducing our supply chain! Check it our and if you have any questions feel more than welcome to reach out to us!

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